Artificial Intelligence and Complex Systems

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Mayank Kejriwal

Director of AICS
Research Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering, USC
Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of Texas at Austin (2016)

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Min-Hsueh Chiu

Research Engineer in AICS
M.S. in Analytics, USC

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Navapat Nananukul

Research Intern in AICS
M.S. in Computer Science, USC

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Ke Shen

Research Assistant in AICS
Ph.D. Candidate in Industrial & Systems Engineering, USC

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Yidan Sun

Research Assistant in AICS
Ph.D. Student in Industrial & Systems Engineering, USC

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Zhisheng Tang

Research Assistant in AICS
Ph.D. Student in Industrial & Systems Engineering, USC


AICS is fortunate to have hosted several valuable research contributors and students, including students from other campuses, over the last five years. In the summer of 2023, we were delighted to have with us Adin Aberbach (undergrad, Swarthmore), John Lim (undergrad, Northwestern), Anik Mandal (undergrad, IIT Kharagpur), and Khanin Sisaengsuwanchai (grad, USC).

Some of our other alumni (but this is not an exhaustive list!) from previous years include David Cody Lingan (Michigan State), Junyu Ren (Tsinghua), Gwen Fang (USC), Stephanie Kim (University of Chicago), Maia Nkonabang (USC) and Daisy Zhou (USC).

We are always looking for good collaborations, directed research students and interns. If you're interested, drop us a note!